Title: Mourning the Living Author: Lilith Spoilers: Nada Classification: S, MSR Rating: NC-17, baby Summary: Scully and Mulder, with some help from the Gunmen deal with the aftermath of Mulder's disappearence, presummed death, and return to the world of the living. Disclaimers, etc: see bottom She is still screaming. All these hours and she is still screaming. Her body is stiff, her fingers tightly clenched into fists that release only to push the page down button on the keyboard. The tension she's broadcasting is making my mustache stand on end. She still hasn't gained back the weight or lost the circles under her eyes. Her eyes are frozen in blue icicle anguish. It's going to take longer than three days to erase three months of pain. "So, you ready for lunch?" he asks abruptly. He forgets that he's a ghost sometimes. She lifts her left hand but doesn't actually look at the face of the timepiece before saying, "no." "Okay, just let me know when you're hungry," he says. He's worried. You can tell by the lines in his forehead. "No, just go. I won't be hungry." He looks upset by this. He's probably a little surprised by her honesty too. But it's no longer possible for her to pretend in these rooms. Too much happened between us. Of course she's not hungry. We did all we could to get those vitamin shakes down her throat at least once a day so that she didn't disappear completely. Besides, you can't eat when you're screaming. The pathetic thing is we thought she would be okay. She was `fine.' She was always fine. When he disappeared without a trace for a month, she was fine. When we found the messages on his computer, the ones that said he was to come alone if he ever wanted to see his pretty little partner alive again, she was `fine'. She was `fine' when she identified his mottled body among the green residue and a face that looked like his sister. She was `fine' when the doctors that have strangely evaporated now confirmed that he had died from an exotic viral infection. When that paradoxical smoke stack stopped us on the street and offered her his condolences, looking genuinely concerned, she was `fine.' And then completely without warning, she stopped being `fine.' In fact, for the last month, she was anything but fine. Frohike's panicked description of the scene over the phone was nothing compared to the actual sight of her strewn out on her living room floor, infomercial glow highlighting two empty bottles of J&B on her table and a thin stream of blood where she'd hit her head on the edge. And for once she responded to `are you okay?' with something other than `fine'. Instead she declared. "He's dead." That's when we started keeping her here, so we could keep an eye on her. A week later, the screaming started in the middle of the night. Just a continuous stream of `no no no' for the first three nights. Screaming that echoed in the room we three share, creeping into the cloth and the walls, mingling with the groans of the hardware. And none of us having any clue what to do but wait for it to stop. Then there was the night with the thunderstorm. I almost didn't hear the door slam because of the thunder, but I didn't hear her screaming either, and that bothered me in my sleep. I threw on a trench coat and ran up the stairs onto the roof, barely in time to catch her arm as she went racing toward the railing, screaming at the rain. I still don't know whether she was asleep or awake, if she was going to jump or would have stopped. In either case she was too tired to fight me despite her bruising attempts. Then she gave up and collapsed onto the broken stone tiles of the roof and sobbed. The funeral was worse. Yes, it was worse than any sleepwalking suicide attempt, because she was still and quiet despite the fact that she was still screaming silently. I wonder if he even knows that she was his widow. I had always suspected Jewish culture in his background, apparently on his mother's side. It was surreal, to say the least, seeing the sun glint off her cross as she whispered kaddish with his mother. I still don't know when she learned it. Maybe she just knew. God, I sound like a lunatic, but I think she did. She stepped forward to cover him first, the widow's right when there is no son. She murmured something, I'm not sure what , to the lump of earth before letting it drop on his coffin. Then she stopped eating completely. Not that she'd been eating much anyway, but between the three of us, we realized no one had seen her eat anything in four days. The vitamins shakes were Langly's idea. She could drink them through a straw and if we could get her to eat a little something solid too in the course of a day, we considered it a victory. Her boss, that Skinner guy, we needed to be sure he had very little clue as to what was going on. He wanted her to take more time off, but she insisted on going back to work after the funeral. We kept her suits dry cleaned and her blouses ironed-can you imagine Langly ironing? She left the office at 6:45am and returned at 6:45 p.m. with the exact same expression on her face. Since that night on the roof, she hasn't cried, at least not in front of any of us. Yet, she is still screaming. He showed up on our doorstep one evening and she just stared at the monitor. Frohike opened the door and she just kept staring at the now empty image of the doorstep. Her expression never changed as she turned to watch the three of us turn into ecstatic puppies. We greeted him exuberantly and then scattered, after all, we could capture the entire exchange on tape. He smiled big at her, grabbed her by the shoulders, and she slapped him. Hard. "I buried you," she said quietly. "I know," he murmured pressing her offending hand to his mouth and dropping to his knees before her. "Where have you been?" "Hell," he replied deadpan, still lavishing attention on her hand, practically worshipping her in his pose. "You're dead, Mulder." "No." He took her hand and placed it over his heart and shook his head. "No, not anymore, not yet. I'm alive Scully." That's when he kissed her and for one brief instant her body stopped screaming and gathered to his. Then he dropped his face to her thigh and began to sob convulsively. She was whispering something softly as she urged him to the level of her chest, bringing him to rest against her breast as he continued to cry. Her fingers went to his face, turning his face up to hers, and I turned off the monitors. Some things are private, even here. "Vanilla or chocolate?" I ask, ignoring Mulder's questioning looks. I'm used to them by now. He never questioned us about her clothes in our hamper and her robe in the bathroom and her files scattered on our counters, only gave us that look. I know she's still not eating well, even though she moved back into her apartment and we can't look after her anymore. "Whatever, Byers," she replies. "Blue or purple silly straw?" Frohike asks. She almost smiles. Frohike made up for most of his numerous faults by making Scully almost smile during these long months. "The Spiderman one," she answers. "Good choice. You want anything, Mulder?" He shakes his head. "Byers, could I speak to you?" he says, finally. I've been waiting for this for three days. "She was living here?" "She had to live somewhere." "Why not her apartment?" I shake my head. I'm sure Langly cleaned it up before he saw the mess. Langly's domestic skills were a rather startling revelation. "She wouldn't want me to answer that." He is getting angry. "Why the hell not?" he demands. "Look, it was hard enough for her while you were gone. Don't make it hard for her to have you back, Mulder." I'm not completely sure what I meant by that, but he seems to understand. At any rate, he pats my shoulder. "I'll make it up to her," he promises quietly. I try not to laugh. "You'd better. No one's ever going to love you the way she does." Well, that threw him. He can't quite close his mouth. Good. Yeah, I know I'm pushing things along. Or at least I hope I am. That's the point. Frohike has joined us now. "Mulder, I know I'm not exactly the world's foremost expert on women," he issues the understatement of the millennium, "but you should take that recovery leave you've both got stored up and go somewhere with lots of water and very few people." Mulder ponders this for a split second. Then his faces splits open in a wide grin. He saunters back to Scully, places his hands on her shoulders and says, "Have you ever been to Erstwhile, Oregon?" ******************* It's gentle and cool here, unlike the artificial warmth of my apartment or the radiant electronic heat of the gunmen's rooms. To be honest with myself, I almost miss the place. It was dingy and dim but it was comfortable. It's comfortable here too, and quiet. That's part of why I can't sleep. The last two weeks in my apartment were nearly sleepless. I've become accustomed to the beeps and pings and whirs of hard disks and modems and satellite feeds. And Frohike snoring. Here there is only the wind and the rolling waves and the occasional nightsong of birds. The drive up here was surreal. I fell asleep on his shoulder and when I woke up he had pulled off onto the grass and was gripping me to him like a lifeline, rocking me slowly. I threw him a questioning glance, but he just murmured a hasty apology and pulled back onto the highway. "Where are we going?" It occurs to me that I should have asked this a long time ago. Say, before he bought the tickets and turned the papers into Skinner. Instead I just let myself be led through the motions in much the same way I let the Gunmen feed me and iron my clothes. That time is over now. I'm surfacing. "My parents' summer house, the one for when they got sick of us" he tells me. I smirk. "How many summer houses do your parents have, Mulder?" I realized belatedly that my tenses may have been incorrect. He doesn't seem to notice. "They had six I think," he replies absently. Well, that answers one question...the Mulders were one comfortable family. Six summer houses, his mother's house in Greenwich and that mansion his father lived in. And Mulder lives in that teeny one- room apartment. "They never used this one though," he continues. "My mother hates the ocean." "It's on the ocean?" I ask. He smiles. He can tell by the tone of my voice that he's done something right. "Yeah, Scully. Is that okay?" Is that okay? Is coming here with him okay? Is staying in his parents' little get-away palace alone with him okay? Sure. Fine. Whatever. We both know we're here to be alone together, or together in our solitude. That will depend on how honest we decide to be with each other. I'm in the master bedroom. He's sleeping fitfully in the spare room. He left the window open and the chilled sea air is making him shiver under the down comforter. I close the window and watch him sleep. With him back, I'm becoming myself again. I didn't even realize to what extent I had defined myself by us until he was gone, and some part of me must have decided that I wasn't necessary without him. I have no idea how I ended up on the roof, and it scared me. I dimly remember a time when I didn't need him. Thank god for Byers' discerning hearing and quick step. Not to mention his fortitude while being pummeled by delirious women. Mulder is still shifting under the blanket, moving his mouth in unintelligible silent words. I brush my fingers through his hair and he calms instantly. His breathing slows and he smiles slightly. To my surprise and, if forced to admit, delight, he reaches up with one arm and calls to me. I settle on the edge of the bed, unwilling to follow my inclination to snuggle into the covers with him. I take his proffered hand in mine and he smiles drowsily. His eyes fluttered open to mine and he tugs at my hands until I lean closer to him. "It's cold in here, Scully," he informs me in his rough drowsy voice. "You left the window open, Mulder," I tell him. He squeezes my hand and brings his other palm to my face. "You're warm, Scully," he comments. I force myself not to smile. God, this is stupid. I need to touch him and he needs to touch me. "Scoot over," I order and allow myself to luxury of sharing his bed and lending him my warmth. I am immediately consumed in his embrace as he presses my back against his chest and rests one large hand on my stomach. His skin is bare save the swath of cloth over his groin. But even that isn't hiding much from me, not when I'm settled against him like this. I can feel his heart beating. He's alive. I still have to remind myself sometimes. He's alive. I fall asleep like that. When I wake up, Mulder is propped up on one shoulder, the fingers of one hand buried in my hair, the other's tracing intricate patterns on my abdomen. Every cell of my body has jumped into sharp awareness and I almost don't believe it but I am so aroused by merely these sensations and the adoring look on his face that I almost moan. "They were going to kill you," he whispers shakily. "Mulder." "They were going to send you to me in pieces." "Mulder." He is still stroking me and his eyes are dark and wet now. "When I turned myself in to them, they showed me pictures of you..." his voice breaks. He has explained before, without much detail, that a clone of me seems to have been made, this one apparently for the express purpose of torturing Mulder into making some sort of confession. "Mulder, I'm here." "They put the body in the cell with me after they killed it, Scully." "Is that when you escaped?" I ask, still curious. I knew he'd managed to walk to the nearest small town and find a phone. I'm not sure how he got away though. He nods weakly, a tear finally shedding from his eyes. "I had some help." "Who?" "You wouldn't believe me." "The cancer man?" He looks truly astounded at this deduction. "How..." "I figured it had to be him or Krychek." He traces my hairline with his thumbs and breathes out, "Such a beautiful mind, and they were going to destroy it because of me." I pull him closer, letting his face burrow into my neck as he begins to cry in earnest. "I'm alive Mulder, I'm alive." His heart is pounding against my chest now and his hands are digging into the cloth of my pajamas, pawing at me. I take his hands in mine and slip them under the cloth so he can witness the warmth of my skin. His fingers dig into the flesh, but it doesn't hurt. His mouth is open against my neck. "I'm so tired, Scully," he apologizes, I'm not sure why he apologizes. I run my fingers through his hair and down over his back, kiss his forehead repeatedly. "Then rest, Mulder," I say in my most logical voice. "Okay," he mumbles compliantly, his arms wrapping firmly around me. "Hey Scully?" "Yeah, Mulder?" "You probably think I shouldn't say this, but I love you. I really do, Scully, I love you. You don't have to love me back." Is he kidding, or is he really that insecure. "Jesus Mulder. You know I love you." "Really?" God, he really doesn't know, does he? Incredible. "Why else do you think I stayed with you, after everything." He laughs wryly. "I figured I was so damn lucky to have you that I shouldn't question my fate, Scully." I kiss his forehead again. "Sleep now, Mulder." I push my fingers through his hair again and again until I feel his breath slow as it brushes over my neck. I drop my face into his hair, take a deep breath of him. Finally the warmth in his body seeps into mine and I fall asleep with no fear of nightmares. ****************** Oh, look at her, sleeping with just a little of a smile on those lips. She's here and she's warm and alive. There is red blood pumping beneath her skin and I can feel it under my fingertips if I touch her. I'm not touching her right now, no matter how much I want to. I want to watch her wake up and stretch and open her eyes without the inhibition of knowing I'm there. She makes a little noise and stretches her arms above her head. She rolls onto her back and reaches out with one arm languidly. It takes me just a moment to realize, she's reaching for me. That's a wonderful thought. Her hand skims the empty space and she sits straight up, looking confused and lost. Now I feel like a bastard. How many nights did she dream I was there and wake up to the cold knowledge that I was dead? The stooges won't talk about it, but for her to have been living with them, she must have taken it pretty hard. Some particularly sick enemy of mine sent me a videotape of the funeral, but Byers was there at the time, helping me get my post-post-humus papers in order. He saw the first fifteen seconds of the tape, ejected it and smashed it against the wall. I don't think I want to know. "Hey?" I say softly. She blinks at me and forces a smile. "Hey. You're up?" "Yeah...are you okay, Scully?" She rubs her eyes. "I'm hungry," she says. She seems surprised by her own words. I lean forward and brush her hair behind her ears. "Good, because I made some breakfast." She gives me an odd look. "You what?" I lift her slippers from the floor and hold them out so she can slip her little feet into them. Then I stand and hold out her robe. She slides her arms into the sleeves, her back to me. I reach around and tie the robe shut for her. One hand closes over the knot and my hands. Certain parts of me are wishing I hadn't added an extra layer of clothing to separate our bodies. The most I allow myself is to press my face into her tangled hair. "Scuh-lee." "I'll be there in a minute, Mulder," she says. She comes back enhanced by Listerine and a hair brush and proceeds to eat everything I put in front of her with alarming efficiency. Bacon, biscuits, and scrambled eggs are consumed in the time it takes me to rearrange the pots in the sink and butter my toast. Scully turns her gaze to my plate, dangerously close to her left hand. "You still hungry, Scully?" I ask with a smile. She shakes her head and says, "No, I'm fine, Mulder. I had no idea you could cook." I shake my head. "Scully, I do occasionally require sustenance that doesn't come out of a cardboard container." "Either that or all the restaurants in your area found out what a lousy tipper you are and won't deliver to you anymore." I lower my head at this all too correct assessment of my predicament. Scully takes this opportunity to try to slip a slice of bacon off my plate. My hand automatically clenches around her fist. And she gasps that little gasp that has nothing to do with surprise or fear. I ignore it, because if I don't ignore it...well, we know what will happen if I don't ignore it. Instead I pile up a fork full of eggs and hold it out to her. She firmly shuts her mouth and shakes her head. "Come on, Scully. I know you're still hungry." She shakes her head again. I can see a smile tugging at the corners of her mouth. She's playing with me. God, I love it when Scully plays. Ok, but I want to win this one. "Hey Scully, I heard on the drive up here that the weather is this area is unusual for this time of year. Turns out the HAARP satellite has been surveying this region lately. You know, Frohike says there is some speculation that the HAARP is a cover for an advanced Tesla Technologies experiment and..." "Mulder, that's..mph" I'm just thanking the powers that be that I didn't stab too hard. She's trying not to laugh. She chews the eggs, swallows, looks balefully at me and says, "Mulder, you're nuts." I am absurdly jealous of my fork right now. "Yes I am, Scully." She pushes her chair back from the table and grabs her plate. "What are we doing today, Mulder?" "Nothing," I reply. She raises a brow at me. "Nothing?" "Yeah, lots and lots of nothing." "Sounds good," she says. And it actually worked. We spent the morning on the porch swing, Scully reading about four years of back issues of the New England Journal of Medicine and me reading old issues of Omni. We went for a walk along the water in our bare feet, and as we approached the house on our return, she stopped arguing with me about the probability of intelligent life elsewhere in the universe and grabbed my hand. That shut me up; it was worth it for her triumphant smirk. We made dinner together, which was nice. Scully wields a paring knife with the same certainty and skill as a scalpel. And despite our bickering about how long things should be on the stove, we managed to make a pretty decent dinner. Then we built another fire and watched the discovery channel. Yeah, so we're a couple of nerds. We know what we like and if it's secrets of the mummy's tombs, so be it. Then came the difficult part. Scully disappeared into the shower and returned in a nightwear ensemble I've never seen her in before. Not the usual blue pajamas like last night. This is some sort of navy kimono over a blue nightgown thing. The sad thing is, I don't think it's meant to be a provocative garment. But hell, on Scully anything is a provocative garment, particularly when she's not wearing a bra. So what's the next step, hot shot? Scully takes the initiative. "I'm going to bed, Mulder. Are you coming?" If you want me to. That depends on what we do once we're there. I'll race ya. Duh.......bed? "Um, will the reading lamp keep you up?" She shakes her head to the contrary and sidles toward the bedroom. Okay, okay, I can handle this. I can sleep with Scully in the bed and I will not molest her and I will not dissolve into a puddle of tears on her breasts like I did last night and I will not, I will not act like an idiot. I will take a shower so I can be as clean as she is and I will wear sweats and a T-shirt instead of sleeping in my underwear. I will crack open the window so the cool air will remind me about all the things I'm not going to do. I will pull the sheet over my lap and read. At first I think she's asleep, curled up in a ball next to me. "Mulder, it's cold," she complains in the most adorable Scully- voice I've ever heard. Okay, so it's really not that adorable. It's the usual Scully whine, but anything she does while she's wearing that blue thing is okay with me. She rolls over so I can see that she's really irritated. Instead my eyes go straight to her cleavage and to the evidence that she really is cold. "You're cold?" I ask. "That's what I said, Mulder. Did you leave the window open again?" "Come `er," I say, offering my arm. Scully, without hesitation, nestles into the space between my arm and my body, using my chest for a pillow and hooking one leg into mine. Oh, I was not prepared for that. I manage to wrap my hand through her hair and pretend to read until I'm sure she's asleep. Then I drop the book, turn off the light, and pull her tighter against my chest. Oh god, what was that? Does she have any idea what she just did? If she's trying to wake me up, it worked. If Scully's thigh was brushing against your cock, you'd be wide awake too. Did she just kiss my chest? Yes, yes she did. And bit me, well she nibbled anyway. I just twitched and pulled her head closer to my chest. She froze for half a moment, then pressed herself full against me, before turning over in my arms and pressing her back side against me. Where is she going with this? "Mulder, you awake?" I have to laugh. "Jesus Scully." "I told you to close that damn window, Mulder." Did she ever find the way to get what she wants out of me. I sigh dramatically, throw back the covers and run to the window. It's freezing out here. I tell her so. She gives me her `I told you so' look. Scully, while I was gone, has managed to take over the warm spot on the bed completely. "Scully," I whine, trying to move closer to her. She wriggles away. "Scully, it's cold." "So you said. I told you to close the window, Mulder," she replies, still moving back, dangerously close to the edge. "You're going to fall off the bed, "I warn. "No, I'm not." Her head lolls off the side and I hoist her back onto the bed and roll her underneath me. "I told you I wouldn't fall off." "You're a wicked woman, Scully." She gives some little groaning response and tries to squirm away. She gets one hand free but I pin it promptly by her face. There is again, that little gasp. Followed by that look in her eyes. "Hey Scully?" "What?" she asks rather breathlessly. I'm having a very difficult time forming words even though she's stopped squirming. "What?" she asks again, sounding completely flustered. "Dammit." *** "yes." "What?" He seems truly thrown by my response. I can feel his breath getting shorter and another part growing longer against my thigh. "The answer to your question, Mulder." He's trying to look at anything other than me, but though he may have me pinned with his body, I have him even more firmly with my eyes. "I didn't...I didn't ask the question, Scully." The question. An honest choice of words. "Not with your mouth," I reply as I let my legs part just slightly. I order myself not to moan as he settles hot and thick against me. He sighs and bites his lower lip. "Ask me with your mouth, Mulder." "What?" Come on, Mulder. "Ask me," I repeat quietly, "with your mouth." God he tastes good. Like coffee and sunflower seeds. He's still holding my wrist, but with no real strength. I could pull away from him easily, but what could possibly posses me to do that. He's deepening the kiss and now he has one hand combing through my hair. This is not a question. As we break away I tell him so. He chuckles and begins trailing kisses across my mouth, over my cheek and down my jaw to my neck. Nice, very nice, I tell him so as I run my hands down his back. I have to get rid of his T-shirt; it's so unnecessary. He groans against my neck and shivers as I run my nails lightly over his spine. He raises up to stare at my breasts again. My nipples are still hard, but it's no longer from the cold. Wrinkles form on his forehead as he contemplates my chest and explores the lacy edge of the gown with his fingers. "Scully?" "Mmm?" I reply as non-chalantly as possible. "How do you get this thing off?" God, his voice is so sexy and rough. Smiling in what I pray is a seductive matter, I slowly pull the garment up and over my body. Now I am naked, completely and totally naked. And Mulder is staring at me with that expression reserved for alien spaceships. His touch is tentative at first, like he thinks I'll disappear if he presses too hard against the surface. Then suddenly, with a rough groan, his hands and mouth are everywhere, stroking, nuzzling, nipping, licking. It's too much. My body cannot process this. I'm actually shaking; I don't shake. A little moan escapes my mouth as his lips suckle at my breasts. He raises his head and smiles as he switches sides. I press my hands against him gently, rolling him over on his side. It's my turn now. I run my hands over his chest, his back, his shoulders. He buries his face in my neck and groans into my flushed skin. His hands are on me again, moving lower. "oh god." Was that me? No, yes, I think it was both of us. He's opening me to his hand and stroking me. "God that feels good." My body jumps against his hand and my eyes close. Something is wrong. This is too intense, too encompassing. There should be a slight sigh and a soft convulsion, but that's not happening. My body feels like it's inside a star, melting around his hand. I'm taking deep breaths to keep from screaming and my hands ball into tight fists against his back to control my shaking. Mulder stops. "Scully, what are you doing?" I stare at him. What is he talking about? He kisses me gently and murmurs, "What are you afraid of, Scully? Loosing control?" He's stroking me again. Oh god. "I love you, Scully, this isn't about control." His hand leaves me again, stripping off his pants. He's rolling me on top of him. Suddenly, I understand where he is going with this. Nothing has ever felt as delicious as sliding down onto Mulder. His voice comes out as a ragged moan "This is just about you and me Scully. Trust me." "yes...." "Yeah, Scully, like that." "oh...Mulder." I can just imagine how silly I look, but as I open my eyes, I see that he doesn't think I look silly at all. In fact, I think this absurd moaning and quaking of mine might actually be exciting him. Mulder moans, and the sound makes me twitch, and a smile flits over my lips. God, he's right, it is sexy. It's incredibly sexy, actually. I want to hear him do that again. It's causing violent, unfamiliar tremors in my body, but every shiver, every sound that reverberates through my chest elicits a similarly ecstatic reply from him. I'm moving up slowly and down faster, bracing myself against his chest. "More. Scully," he pants. God he's beautiful. Green eyes turn to black as his hands grasp my hips, guiding me, speeding me. His head falls back and he turns his head to the side, breathing heavily. I throw my head back, letting the ends of my hair brush against my sensitized skin. I'm moving to my own rhythm, heedless of his hands. His body trusts up to meet mine and the contact prompts an "oh god Mulder" and I'm so close so close. He's watching me again with that unfathomable expression, like I'm divine. One hand drops to the marked skin of my back, tracing the mark and I shudder in response, so close to the edge that it's nearly painful. He drives up hard and I feel for a moment that maybe I am divine because certainly no mortal could handle this kind of rapture. I think maybe I am screaming. As though from somewhere outside my body, I feel him thrusting in rhythm with my contractions, calling my name, and then stopping completely, spent. With one last keening cry, I collapse against his chest completely. His hands move from my hips to my back and my hair. "Scully?" "ugnh?" Oh god, I can't even talk now. He laughs. "Me too, Scully." I laugh back. He rolls us over on our sides and looks at me, still playing with my hair. "Mulder?" There, that's better. I'm still breathing hard and I'm probably still flushed, but that's okay. "Yeah, Scully?" he replies drowsily. "Do you really think it's fate that we met?" He's talked about fate before. I have to ask. He shrugs and curls me closer to him. "I don't know, Scully. Fate, chance, accident....I'm just happy we did." "Yeah," I breath. I'm suddenly very tired. "Hey Mulder?" "Yeah, Scully?" He sounds so cute and groggy. I ruffle his hair. "It's hotter than hell in here, Mulder. Open that damn window." He bursts out laughing, something I've rarely heard. I like it, a lot. He does as asked though and then pulls the blankets around us. "Maybe it's not fate, Scully. Maybe it's a punishment." "Goodnight, Mulder." ******************************* "What is this?" "Ah, so you remembered where they were after all?" He smirked at her. She glowered back. "What is this? How long have you been watching her? She can't be more than twelve years old in some of these pictures." "Was this the only one you found?" "No, there were five others. What happened to them?" "They were deemed....unsatisfactory." She crossed her arms over her chest and the file. "I don't understand you." He paused, flicking ash from the red tip. "No, you don't, not any more." `Why her? Why not one of the others?" "I like her. Don't you?" "She puts up with his antics and takes care of him, and.....and she loves him more than I ever could. So yes, I like her." "I thought you might." "Don't pretend you made your choice because of me." "I was used to it. You never could decide anything for yourself, could you? Smoking or non, son or daughter, Bill or me..." "That's enough!" A heavy silence fell over his trampled cigarette. She broke it. "You would have made the decision anyway. Building your mysteries was always the most important thing to you." "Thank you for the file." "Answer a question for me?" "Perhaps." "Do you still believe in the project?" He lit a cigarette with his usual flourish. "Who would I report you to?" "It doesn't matter what I believe anymore." She noticed the slip. She lifted her chin with a smirk. "I think you're right. I don't think it does matter to you, anymore. You just don't know how to stop." He looked away over the water. She eyes followed his and her voice took on a softer tone. "How is she?" "Happy." She nodded. "He's in a position to stop you. Why haven't you killed him?" "There are a number of reasons. He is important to the success..." "Don't try to sugarcoat things for me. I saw everything you saw. You want to be stopped don't you?" "Apparently your stroke was more damaging that I had estimated." "Then why give him this? Why make him stronger?" He dropped the cigarette and mashed it into the dirt. He took the file from her hand, carefully avoiding contact with her skin, and turned to leave. He could feel her eyes stabbing into his back and he turned on his heel to face her once more. He paused to light another cigarette and answered her, "We all want our children to be happy." ********** I answer the phone and say something absurd like, "Cinderella's Cleaning Service. Open till Midnight." "Byers?" "Scully? Are you two still in Oregon?" "Yeah. Um, did I leave my gold earrings in the bathroom there?" I take a deep breath. Actually, she left several things. That has nothing to do with why she called. I can feel a smile tugging at my lips. "I think so. I'll put them is safekeeping until you two get back." "Thank you, Byers," she replies in many different flavors. I hang up and Langly crosses his arms over his chest and blurts, "so?" I shake my head. My response won't make any sense to him. She's stopped screaming. ******************************************************* Disclaimer: I don't own them, but I can torture them too. No Foxes were harmed in the making of this tawdry piece of mind candy. All hail CC for creating them. Notes: Big thanks as always to the ladies at Amy and Karen's Haven. Esp to Suzanna and Hannah, my erudite editors, who slogged through several revisions of this. Still not as good as Reinventing, but if Suzanna has her way, I'll soon have another edition of that story as well.