Title: All So Quiet Author: Susan E-mail: susanf@ticnet.com Classification: VA, post-colonization(I know...I was surprised too...) Keywords: Mulder angst Rating: strong PG for disturbing images Archive: Anywhere, just ask first please. Disclaimer: These characters belong to each other, not me. Summary: When he opened his eyes, there were dark green clouds twisting in the sky and the wind was a hot whisper against his skin... ***************************************************** All So Quiet by Susan ~~~~~~~ He had called her at noon and told her it was time for the sky to fall and she believed him. There was a time when she wouldn't have, it wasn't in her nature to believe so easily... but she did this time. She had calmly told him on the phone that she would be there in ten minutes and he had smiled at the certainty he heard in her voice. In ten minutes, she would be there beside him and they would find someplace safe where they could hold each other as the sky fell... When he opened his eyes, there were dark green clouds twisting in the sky and the wind was a hot whisper against his skin. Grains of sand clung to the dead skin on his arms and hands and his throat felt rough and thick and he tried to swallow...to speak...to say her name but it was all so quiet. She had said ten minutes...she had promised him that she would be there in ten minutes and he believed her just as he always had. And yet she wasn't there. The hairs on his arms sizzled and his chest ached as he had stood on the corner of the dirt road waiting waiting waiting... The green clouds continued to swirl above him, but they were stronger now and when he tried to speak... to say her name again, the wind took his voice up to the clouds and left it there. They had agreed that there would be no cars and that whoever had gotten there first would wait for the other on the corner, but the minutes kept passing and he began to wonder if he'd made a mistake. Maybe they should've come up with a different plan, chosen a different place. Maybe he should've kept insisting that she go be a doctor... but then he saw her. He tried to sit up, but the grass was soaked with beet red blood and dark green tears and when he put his hands on the ground, it burned...oh God, it burned... and yet everything was so still, so quiet. Standing at the edge of the field across the street, she had seen him too, and she began to run to him and he began to run to her but then the clouds had opened their wombs and hot green liquid had spilled from the sky and in an instant the earth was changed. They were changed. He had to see her, to touch her, to hear her voice, and so he closed his eyes and clenched his jaw and he stood. Gray smoke hung heavy in the air and the clouds angrily swirled above him. Puddles of toxic green pulled at his ankles as he walked, but he had to know. He had to see. And then he did. The heat rising from her skin burned his hands as he lifted her limp body up onto his lap, but he pulled her closer...closer...he had to get closer. And that's when he heard it, a whisper stronger then any storm... "Mulder." The silence was broken. ~end~ *Wow...was that as emotional for you to read as it was for me to write? No wonder I've only written two post-colonization pieces.:) They're too gut-wrenching... If my words touched your emotions too, please let me know. susanf@ticnet.com